Coding tab_sfx for multiple services
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I've set up our training web opac to show an SFX button *if* there's fulltext available. My tab_sfx says:
TEST www_f_sfx 11 N getFullTxt
In order to add another service, say, getDocumentDelivery, how do I update the table? Like this (i.e. with an additional line):
TEST www_f_sfx 11 N getFullTxt
TEST www_f_sfx 11 N getDocumentDelivery
TEST www_f_sfx 11 N getFullTxt getDocumentDelivery
You want to use two lines for this, rather than one. In the v.18 System Librarians Guide for Web OPAC, p. 51, it states:
"If more than one SFX service is required, columns 1-4 do not have to be repeated. For example:
USM01 www_f_sfx 11 N getAuthorEmail
means that either getAuthorEmail or getCitedJournal have to be available for the www_f_sfx icon to be displayed."
So, I interpret this as meaning that multiple services for the same base should be on separate lines. The information in columns 1-4 need not be repeated, but probably can be without harm, if you prefer.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013