Columnar report where book list is sorted by call number
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We want to generate a columnar report where the book list is sorted by call number.
Some of our titles just have bib records (with 050 and/or 090) but no HOL record.
The p_print_08 service is used to produce reports of bib data in columnar format.
If an existing format (such as "002", which includes the call number) is acceptable, you would specify that as the Report Format in the submission. If you want different fields, then you will need to define a new format in rep_tab_short.eng, as described in KB 1700.
You are specifying this in abc01 tab_expand:
PRINT-COL expand_doc_bib_loc_usm
so you want to have this in the rep_tab_short.eng:
002 L Call No. LOC## 050## 090## 015 02 C01 ---
In regard to sorting,... the p_print_08 Help says: "This service enables you to see columns of bibliographic information ... and perhaps also sorted using the 'Sort Catalog Records' service(ret-21)."
You should take your file (of system numbers) and run it through p_ret_21. The result will be a file of system numbers in the order you want. And then you can use this (p_ret_21 output) file as input to p_print_08.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013