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    Commands for running indexing jobs from the command line.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I am trying to run the steps in section 8.3 of the Upgrade Express (18 to 19) User Guide. We do not yet have clients configured for v. 19 so am running the jobs via csh on the server. I have run the manage_05 for all xxx30 libraries and am ready to start the manage_01 jobs. The p_manage_01_param_names shows the parameters as
    set param_name = ("p_active_library" "p_delete_flag" "p_start_doc_number_x" "p_end_doc_number_x" "p_word_group" "p_no_process_x" )

    That file is dated July 6, 2003 (see below) and does not match the help file parameters, (which is dated Dec. 7, 2004) and says the parameters are to/from doc number and number of processes.

    /exlibris/aleph/a19_2/aleph/proc%>ls -l p_manage_05_param*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aleph aleph 245 Jul 6 2003 p_manage_05_param_names

    What are the correct parameters for the manage_01? I'll also need the params for the manage_02, union_01 and union_02 please.

    The Help files are not always complete. They are intended to cast light on parameters whose meaning might be in question.

    The correct p_manage_01 parameters can be seen at the end of ./pc_b_eng/p-manage-01.xml:

    <!-- Param: P-MANAGE-01. -->
    <!-- Param: P-DELETE-FLAG X(1). F01 -->
    <!-- Param: P-START-DOC-NUMBER-X. F02 -->
    <!-- Param: P-START-DOC-NUMBER 9(9). -->
    <!-- Param: P-END-DOC-NUMBER-X. F03 -->
    <!-- Param: P-END-DOC-NUMBER 9(9). -->
    <!-- Param: P-WORD-GROUP X(1). F04 -->
    <!-- Param: P-NO-PROCESS-X. F05 -->
    <!-- Param: P-NO-PROCESS 9(2). -->

    {Of course, this job, and every job, needs to have the $ACTIVE_LIBRARY (the library for which the job is being run) as the first parameter....}

    Similarly, the correct parameters for p_manage_02 and p_union_02 can be seen at the end of ./pc_b_eng/p-manage-02.xml and ./pc_b_eng/p-union-02.xml.

    Sample commands for indexing jobs can also be seen as Appendix A in the "How To Run Index Jobs" (updated for v18 and v19).

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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