Complete Authority Reload and Indexing: No z103 Entries in Authority Libraries
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I'm in the middle of a complete authority reload and reindexing in our production region. I have noticed that there are no z103 entries in our ABC10 and ABC12 libraries but they are present in our BIB, HOL, and ADM library.
Do I need to run p-manage-103 in the authority libraries? or manage-12? If so, do I also need to run these in the BIB, HOL, and ADM libraries? Will I have to rerun all the indexing jobs I have already completed in the BIB and AUT libraries?
I completed this same project in our Test region 2 months ago and notice the same lack of z103's but it has not seemed to affect functionality.
p_manage_103 does not relate to the z103. (It's an optional job which can be run to generate z07 bib-update records following p_manage_02 -- but is not usually run.)
SKB-4089 says: "The p_manage_12 for the authority library is optional. It creates virtual 5xx fields representing broader term, narrower term and related term links between the authority records based on the values in tab07.
Most sites don't have tab07 set up and don't run p_manage_12 for the xxx10 library...."
KEYWORDS: manage_12 p-manage-12
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013