Control Language and Staff Privileges for Order Units
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We have begun to enter our budget allocations in Aleph. I had to change staff privileges for budgets.
When I click on Staff Privileges (bottom right Key icon) > select staff user > click Order Units button > Choose Administrative Library, I get an error message (Communication error global-11 : Library's host not defined in library.ini).
This works on Test, but not Production.
The following variable needed to be updated in alephe/aleph_start:
setenv control_lng FRE
The reason it worked on Test and not Production was because the tab_sub_library.eng on Test had some XXX50 content so there was content to display.
On Production, there was no tab_sub_library.eng content and it was trying to read that table instead of the tab_sub_library.fre table which did have content.
Although this works without the following setting it’s good to remember that the following setting should be configured in *all* prof_library files:
set_symbol CON_START FRE (or whatever the language)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013