Copyright cleared requests to the British Library
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
How can we configure Copyright cleared requests to the British Library?
First of all, you should have rep_change #001382 in v.18, or a higher version of Aleph.
Description: In the new Integrated ILL module, a new place holder (for the British Library) has been added in order to display the "Additional Request to supplier number" with the keywords.
Implementation notes:
When the TX line includes the Additional Request to Supplier number instead of the Request number, use place holder $01538 instead of $00138.
See KB 16384-10305 for the full implementation notes of the Additional Request to Supplier number functionality.
ABC40/form_eng/*bldsc* templates should have the following:
On our internal teast server the request number appears correctly (our prefix is EXL-):
Additional Information
Copyright cleared requests to the British Library
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013