Count of specific Word index
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I know that I can get a count of how many values are in a specific browse index by looking at the first characters of z01_rec_key. Is there a way to do a similar thing with the Word indexes?
We added a couple of new indexes recently, and I would like to know how many records relate to each of these specific indexes. Is there a way, using SQL, to check to see this information?
The Z98-FIELD-NUMBER field number (the first 3 bytes of the z98_rec_key) contains the Word index number.
For example, if you have a "WAD" Word index 048 defined like this in tab00.eng:
H WAD W-048 01 00 00 Audience
then, you can use the following SQL to see how many entries there are in the Z98 for this WAD index:
SQL> select count(*) from z98 where z98_rec_key like '048%';
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013