Create Hold function in order records does not place hold on item
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
On both our test server and production server, in the Acquisitions module, in the Order records, when we “Create a hold” by inserting an initiator ID and using the drop down box, Aleph does not always create the hold on the item when the item is checked in ( arrived ).
It seems that the orders for GOBI2 and YANK3 are not generating automatic holds.
The following SQL results show that, in the cases where there are z37's for BACH1, CASLI, JAPUB, LABSL, and UMI-M, all the order records have a z68_target_flag with a value of "H":
abc50@ALEPH20> select z68_vendor_code, count(*) from z68, z37 where z68_target_flag = 'H' and Z68_TARGET_ID is not null and substr(z68_rec_key,1,9) in (select substr(z37_rec_key,1,9) from z37) group by z68_vendor_code;
**** Hit return to continue ****
-------------------- ----------
AMZN 5058
BACH1 1686
CASLI 1686
JAPUB 3372
LABSL 1686
UMI-M 1686
and that, in the cases where there are z37's for CALNEWS, GOBI2, PROCARD-ACQ, TOUZO, and YANK3, all the order records have a blank ("N") z68_target_flag:
abc50@ALEPH20> select z68_vendor_code, count(*) from z68, z37 where z68_target_flag = 'N' and Z68_TARGET_ID is not null and substr(z68_rec_key,1,9) in (select substr(z37_rec_key,1,9) from z37) group by z68_vendor_code;
**** Hit return to continue ****
-------------------- ----------
AMZN 20232
GOBI2 6744
TOUZO 1686
YANK3 8430
(AMZN is a mixture, with 4/5 having no z68_target_flag value and 1/5 having one.)
So it seems that in order for a hold to be automatically created it is not enough for the order to have a value in the z68_target_id; it must also have "H" in the z68_target_flag ("ACTION").... (This makes sense since "H" means "Create hold request for the user for whom the material is intended (Z68-TARGET-ID)."
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013