Delete on order items for a specific record
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
Desired Outcome Goal:
How to delete "on order" items for one specific BIB/ADM record?
First use "General Retrieval Form (ret-adm-01)" in order to select the appropriate item records, search for ADM doc number (make sure that you fill a "from" and a "to" value, in this case both identical, the ADM doc number must be 9 characters long) and order process status "on order", then use the output of this search for "Delete Item Records (item-11)" .
Note: The General Retrieval Form (ret-adm-01) may be found under the GUI Services dropdown, the "Items" entry (near the bottom).
Category: Cataloging (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 01-Mar-2016