Deleting catalogue records from particular collections
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18
In order to delete records from specific collections SQL shall retrieve this records by using the following command:
select z30_rec_key from z30 where z30_collection='WIDD' and z30_material <> 'ISSUE';
1) Can the output file from above SQL request be used as input for "Delete Item Records (item-11)"?
2) Can we use "Delete Bibliographic Records Including Related ADM/HOL Records (manage-33)" in order to delete the BIB records afterwards? The input file for p_manage_33 must contain BIB numbers instead of item numbers. Is that correct? How can we change the numbers?
1) Yes, you can use the output of your SQL query as input for p_item_11. You may also use "Advanced General Retrieval Form (ret-adm-03)" in order to create a list instead of using SQL.
2) Yes, for running p_manage_33 you need an input file with BIB system numbers. You can change the numbers in input file from p_item_11 accordingly by using p_manage_70 with option "ITEM-TO-BIB".
Additional Information
Please note that you delete the BIB record including ALL items and holdings with p_manage_33 and not only the records which have (had) items from specific collections (WIDD and STORE).
Category: Cataloging (500) - ALEPH
Subject: Items (500) - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 8/18/2014