Deleting unattached bib records from xxx30
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
In the xxx30 course reading library, we have many bib records with no CNO field and no item records attached. We would like to delete these in a batch process. Do you have any suggestions for the best way to go about this?
In version 18 or lower, you can do this:
1. run p_ret_01 in xxx30 to retrieve documents that do not have a CNO field in them:
enter CNO for Field and then enter "ZZ" for both From Text and To Text.
2. use the file output by p_ret_01 as input to p_manage_33. (Be sure to back up the xxx30 doc records with p_file_03 before running p_manage_33.)
Note: p_manage_33 can be run for bib, authority, or Course Reserve libraries. (It should *not* be run for ADM or HOL. See KB 16384-4982.)
[The preceding can not be done in version 19-up because there are "connection records" which lack a CNO field but need to be preserved.]
In version 19-up:
use the following SQL to locate deletable records:
SQL> select z00_doc_number from z00 minus select z11_doc_number from z11 where z11_rec_key like 'CNO%' minus select substr(z11_rec_key,12,9) from z11 where z11_rec_key like 'SID%';
Then, delete them individually in GUI or, if too many, append "xxx30" each record in the file of records, as described in KB 8192-1591, and use that file as input to p_manage_33. (Be sure to back up the xxx30 doc records with p_file_03 before running p_manage_33.)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013