Discarded items being searchable in OPAC
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18 and up
When a search is performed in OPAC, items which have item status "discarded" are not shown (as set up in tab15.lng) but the information which appears in the item (in this particular case Sublibrary) is used to perform the search in OPAC
* During the index creation tab15.lng table is not consulted by the system
* If col.10 of ./xxx50/tab/tab15.lng is set to N (not display copy in Web OPAC), only the item will not be displayed in OPAC.
* The bibliographic record will still be searchable through the indexes, even if the latter are built on the item information expanded in bibliographic virtual fields
In order to solve the problem:
1. Edit xxx01/tab/tab_expand to check which expand program is used to expand item information into the bibliographic record within indexing purpose (WORD expand menu), e.g.:
WORD expand_doc_bib_loc_usm
2. Edit xxx01/tab/tab11_word looking for sublibrary index line (e.g. WSL)
3. Add parameters to col.3 and col.4 to allow the index creation only when the subfield $e (item process status) of the PST field does not contain the code assigned to discarded items (CA or other codes set in xxx50/tab/tab15.lng) i.e.:
PST## e -CA b 01 WSL
4. Restart PC Server
5. For changes to take effect on all records, running "Rebuild Word Index" (manage-01) is required
Category: Web OPAC (500)
Subject: Search (500)
- Article last edited: 22-Aug-2016