Displayed in different languages using Z39.50
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
It?€™s not possible to use other languages in Z39.50 than English.
xxx50/tab/tab40.ger has a German name for a collection:
"1. Etage"
When you view an according record via Z39.50 collection name ?€œ2st. floor?€? is displayed
Rep_change 195 in Aleph 21
Description: It is impossible to use the Z39 server with languages other than English. For example, in the Z39 search results, the sublibrary description is always in English although the general interface is in a different language.
Solution: This has been corrected. A new parameter, "connection-language", can now be defined in the Z39 base configuration file. See the Implementation Notes.
Category: Z39.50 (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013