Does SIP2 handle type "02" barcodes?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Our Ezproxy servers are connecting the 8505 port (SIP2) and verifying the barcode. We have found that z308 "type 02" barcodes do not pass the authentication test. We have patrons who have multiple barcodes and they may use the "02" barcode to access electronic resources.
Prior to v18 rep_change 2044, the sip2 program allowed for the specification of only one z308 type for matching.
With v18 rep_change 2044 (v19 rc 629, v20 rep_ver 016030), that has changed:
A new option has been implemented for parameter match_id_type in tab_sip2.conf:
match_id_type = auto
In this case, the patron-ID in SIP2 is checked against col. 5 of $usr_library/tab/tab_bor_id.lng. If col. 5 is set to "Y", this ID type can be used in SIP2. Thus, all ID-types that can be used for GUI, can also be used in SIP2. Multiple ID types can be checked if defined in tab_bor_id.lng.
NOTE: It is possible to set a particular ID-type in match_id_type (e.g. match_id_type = 02), as before this fix. The default is match_id_type = 01.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013