EDI Invoicing - Service Charge is prorating across lines
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
The single service charge amount for the entire invoice is listed in an MOA+8 line, which Aleph seems to load into the Overhead Amount field in the General Invoice. When this happens, Aleph takes the additional step of prorating that amount across the Line Items, which we do not want to do. The customer chooses to pay service charges out of a central service charge fund account, and in Aleph we accomplish this by creating a Line Item not connected to an order and adding our service charge budget to this line.
This is not the way it worked in 14.2, where we had loaded invoices for the past 2 years. And we understand some customers probably prefer that it works this way. Is there any way there could be a switch for this? When we receive our annual renewal invoices next month, it will be very time consuming if we have to go into each of the thousands of line items to remove the service charge fields.
Description: EDI - INVOIC message - - a new flag (switch) was added to edi_in_attr in order to avoid the divistion of added amounts (for the invoice as a whole) between the invoice lines. Instead, an extra line (not connected to any order) will be added to hold only added amounts.
This is switch #2 in the table edi_in_attr:
N (default) = In INVOIC messages (serial as well as monograph) the added
amount will be devided between the lines.
Y = The added amount will be stored separately in an extra line.
In addition in order to ease up the definition in edi_in_attr when the first
column of is set to "#####" then the definitions in the line effect all the
vendors in the ADM library unless of course they have an explicit line in
Notes for Customers working in versions 16 and higher:
Note 1:
every vendor that sends EDI INVOIC messages to the library
should make sure that charge, discount and tax amounts that relate to
the invoice as a whole (rather than to each line seperatly) must appear
according to EDItEUR guidelines in the header part of the message and not in
the summary part. The summary part should only hold summaries of amounts
that already appear in the invoice lines themselves, and therefore is ignored
by the program.
Note 2:
Any new vendor should receive the attached file: Requirements for EDI message sent to ALEPH500.
Additional Information
Invoice, EDI, charge, discount ,tax amounts, edi_in_attr, MOA+8
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013