Error: write_xml_to_clob: ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment USR01.Z00P_SEGNAME
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
Daemon ue_21 crashes with error message "Error: write_xml_to_clob: ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment USR01.Z00P_SEGNAME"
Tablespace problem
The problem occurs because of less tablespace. The error message says "unable to extend lob segment xxx00.Z00P_SEGNAME ...".
In order to find out which tablespace is applied to the Z table (in this case Z00P) do util A/17/10/2:
TAB z00p 4M 4M tspd
Then check the tablespace using util o/14/1:
Add more tablespace to TSPD
Category: System Management (500) - ALEPH
Subject: Oracle (500) - ALEPH
- Article last edited: 5/20/2014