Error 0212 : Z303-HOME-LIBRARY Is Invalid
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 19.01
Problem Symptoms:
?€¢ Patron Loader (file-20) does not update records for patrons sharing the same sublibrary
?€¢ The message Error 0212 : Z303-HOME-LIBRARY Is Invalid appears in the Patron Loader (file-20) process log in $alephe_scratch
The sublibrary belonging to the unloaded patrons has not been defined in tab_sub_library.eng.
1. Define the patron's sublibrary in /exlibris/aleph/aXX_X/alephe/tab/tab_sub_library.lng
2. re-run Patron Loader (file-20) to load the previously unloaded patrons
Category: Circulation (500)
Subject: Patrons
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013