Filing of French titles beginning with "L"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
French titles beginning with " L' " are having too many characters ignored (so that "L'eglise" is filing under "glise" when it should file under "eglise").
The compress <apostrophe> was also in the preceding "N" section of tab_filing -- so the apostrophe was already gone by the time the "F" section of the filing routine was being used to build the Z01-FILING-TEXT. (The system uses the "N" section to build the Z01-NORMALIZED-TEXT, and then uses the Z01-NORMALIZED-TEXT as input to the building of the Z01-FILING-TEXT.)
The solution is to move the non-filing line up into the "N" section, preceding the compress line:
11 N non_filing
11 N compress '[]
That way the non-filing indicator will be considered in building the normalized text. (If it isn't, then you will get multiple headings displaying when there should be just one.)
Remember in testing any change to tab_filing to stop/restart *ue_01*.
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013