First circulation checkout transaction of the day times out
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
After booting up the PC and starting the Circulation GUI, the first circulation checkout (loan) transaction each morning times out. The patron ID card is swiped, the patron record comes up, then the barcode is entered for the item.
At this point the GUI is waiting for a response from the server. It always times out after 60 seconds.
Scanning in the barcode again for the item then results in an immediate checkout for the item with no time out at all. After that, everything works fine for the rest of the day.
Removing p_cir_01 from the job_list corrected this problem.
As described in KB 150 (see link below), the z301 is refreshed with the first circ transaction each day. It is not necessary to run p_cir_01 nightly. p_cir_01 needs to be run only when you want to make due-date changes take effect in the middle of the day.
Additional Information
KB 150: Making due date changes take effect immediately
Category: Circulation
- Article last edited: 10/23/2015