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    Font Size in GUI Lists and Font.ini

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I have problems with configuration of Alephcom/tab/Font.ini
    There seems to be three kind of ListBox setting: "ListBox[Column ID]", "ListBox##", "ListBox"
    The question is, if one set these three setting, which setting is applied to GUI?
    I want to control the font size in GUI lists.
    For example, I want to enlarge the font size of the error message that is displayed when a loan is not possible (Loan tab, after loan attempt, lower right pane Blocks tab).

    In general, the font size of lists is controlled in alephcom/tab/font.ini by the ListBox settings, but specific control of individual list columns is possible.

    [A] If alephcom\tab\alephcom.ini > [Main] CombinedCharSupported=Y, then the font size is controlled by the alephcom\tab\font.ini "ListBox" code alone.
    For example, font.ini contains:
    ListBox 00000 0FFFF Arial Unicode MS Y N N 14 DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Note: The line 'ListBox' should include the whole unicode range from 00000 to 0FFFF and should appear once.

    [B] If alephcom\tab\alephcom.ini CombinedCharSupported=N, then the font size is controlled by the "ListBox##" settings together with pc_tab_col.lng (or pc_tab_short.lng).
    This allows the size of specific list columns to be controlled by pc_tab_col.eng or pc_tab_short.eng.

    [B1] If CombinedCharSupported=N and you DO NOT want specific column control, simply use only ListBox## lines in font.ini.
    For example,
    ListBox## 00000 000FF Arial Unicode MS N N N 16 DEFAULT_CHARSET
    ListBox## 00401 0045F Arial Unicode MS N N N 16 DEFAULT_CHARSET
    ListBox## 005D0 005EA Arial Unicode MS N N N 16 DEFAULT_CHARSET
    ListBox## 00000 0FFFF Arial Unicode MS Y N N 16 DEFAULT_CHARSET

    [B2] If CombinedCharSupported=N and you WANT specific column control, create ListBox## lines in font.ini that match the appropriate column settings in the pc_tab* files.

    For example, if pc_tab_col.eng contains this line where column 6 = 01:
    ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    CHECK_CIRC L Error 01 080 01 C03 Error

    Then font.ini should contain a matching line like this:
    ListBox01 00000 0FFFF Arial Unicode MS Y N N 20 DEFAULT_CHARSET
    ListBox## 00000 0FFFF Arial Unicode MS Y N N 16 DEFAULT_CHARSET
    where the ListBoxNN number matches the column 6 number (01).

    This would result in the loan error messages (CHECK_CIRC) mentioned in the question above being displayed in a larger font (20) than usual (16).

    Note: The system uses the first line that matches the required setting. If the ListBox01 and ListBox## lines were reversed, then the ListBox01 line would never be used.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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