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    Global adding of 007 field (fixed field)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    We would like to globally add 007 to a batch of bib records. Is this possible maybe with “Global Changes (manage-21)”

    Adding of fixed field 007 via “Global Changes (manage-21)” does not work as in the field are characters, e.g. „^“ that can’t be used in p_manage_21.

    Following is a workaround using “Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)”. As input file you need a list of system numbers followed by library name as it comes out e.g. from “Retrieve Catalog Records (ret-01)”, example:

    1. Run „Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03)” for these input file and select as outgoing field only “LDR”

    2. Create a new table xxx01/tab/import/007_fix with the following line
    1 LDR ADD-FIELD 007 ,L,u^nui---uuuuu

    Adjust the content of field 007 to your needs.

    3. In xxx01/tab/tab_fix add a line
    007 fix_doc_do_file_08 007_fix

    4. Restart PC server

    5. Run “Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)” with the following options

    - Update current records in the database
    - Append fields to a record
    - Fix routine: 007

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    Subject: Create / Edit records (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013