Global replace to catalog
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We want to make the following changes to our catalog (true for all occurrences of the fields listed that do not already have the indicator listed):
[1] 041 1st indicator should be 1;
[2] 082 1st indicator should be 1;
[3] 505 1st indicator should be 2;
[4] 600 1st indicator should receive be 1; [5] 600 2nd indicator should be 0; [6] 650 2nd indicator should be 0; [7] for all items where field 008 positions 35-37 = HEB, make field 008 positions 15-16 = is.
How can this be done?
You may do this in one of two ways:
Option 1:
1. Retrieve desired records with service "Retrieve catalog records (ret-01)
2. Print all fields of records with "Download machine readable records (print-03)"
3. Edit records to your desire
4. Upload records with "Load Catalog Records (manage-18)" using "replace entire record" option.
Option 2:
Where possible use the service "Global Changes (manage-21)" to make each change. Here you can first make a report and then actually make the change.
Additional Information
global replace, changes to catalog
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013