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    Globally Changing Sublibrary Codes

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We want to change all the items for a certain sublibrary to a different sublibrary code. What tables are involved?

    (Note: If it's the Collection Code you want to change, see KB 16384-31473.)

    The sublibrary code is included as a field in more than 22 Oracle tables. If the item has circulated or if an order has been created for it, then, though p_manage_62 could be used to change the z30_sub_library code or p_manage_21 to change the 852 $$b subfield (and, via ue_01, the z30_sub_library code), such a change does *not* make updates to other ADM records containing the sublibrary code, which may be necessary.

    If you are changing the sublibrary code for items which could be on loan or which have had orders or subscriptions created for them, then you will need to contract with Ex Libris Professional Services to have this change made.

    Note: If you are changing all of the items with a certain sublibrary code to an entirely new sublibrary code, we will suggest that you *not* do this. Such a change would be cosmetic for staff only since the Sublibrary *Name* column in tab_sub_library.eng controls what displays to the public and that can be changed to whatever you like.... The only legitimate reason for changing the sublibrary code is when a library is being closed and its contents merged into another library.

    Sublibrary codes should not be deleted from tab_sub_library.eng since there can be historical records containing the code and the system will expect to find it in tab_sub_library.eng. It should be left and the name changed so it displays as "xxxx library (obsolete)".


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    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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