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    Grouping of Search Results Misleading for "Iliad" Heading

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    The display of search results in both the GUI and the OPAC shows an odd grouping for certain headings, such as, "Iliad".

    For example, do a browse search for "title starting with" iliad. In the results list, the first entry is a group of 29 records displaying as "The Iliad." Clicking on this to display the individual records, however, shows that while some of them are "The iliad," others are "Iliad" (no article) at least one is "An Iliad" (an English translation of an Italian novel, not Homer's Iliad), another is "An t'Iliad" (an Irish translation).

    Why does the brief display show 29 headings under 'The Iliad' when most of the headings do not actually contain this leading article?

    And why are there four other "Iliad" headings?

    First, the non-filing indicator indicates in each case that the initial article should be omitted from the filing. (See below.) Thus, "Iliad", "The Iliad", "An Iliad", and "An t'?liad" are all intended to be filed under "I" - "Iliad".

    The z01_display_text for #1 below is "The Iliad". This means that titles with a matching z01_normalized_text of "-iliad" will display together under this heading.

    The reason that it displays as "The Iliad" rather than "Iliad" is that the first title with this normalized text had a text of "The Iliad". It's a bit arbitrary, but the system feels it is not in a position to determine which of these Display texts is "the best". Thus, it uses the first-in principle.

    You *could* use SQL to change the z01_display_text for z01_acc_sequence 000653444 to $$aIliad. It will then display as Iliad rather than The Iliad.

    In order to understand this, one needs to look at the z01's:

    02 z01_rec_key \
    03 acc_code ..............TTL
    03 alpha .................L
    03 filing_text ...........ILIAD
    03 filing_sequence .......00001
    02 z01_acc_sequence ........000653444
    02 z01_category ............45
    02 z01_normalized_text .....$$-iliad
    02 z01_display_text ........$$aThe Iliad

    02 z01_rec_key \
    03 acc_code ..............TTL
    03 alpha .................L
    03 filing_text ...........ILIAD
    03 filing_sequence .......00002
    02 z01_acc_sequence ........002739149
    02 z01_category ............46
    02 z01_normalized_text .....$$-iliad
    02 z01_display_text ........$$aIliad

    02 z01_rec_key \
    03 acc_code ..............TTL
    03 alpha .................L
    03 filing_text ...........ILIAD
    03 filing_sequence .......00003
    02 z01_acc_sequence ........011465373
    02 z01_category ............40
    02 z01_normalized_text .....$$-iliad
    02 z01_display_text ........$$aIliad

    02 z01_rec_key \
    03 acc_code ..............TTL
    03 alpha .................L
    03 filing_text ...........ILIAD
    03 filing_sequence .......00004
    02 z01_acc_sequence ........000270788
    02 z01_category ............00
    02 z01_normalized_text .....$$-iliad
    02 z01_display_text ........$$tIliad

    02 z01_rec_key \
    03 acc_code ..............TTL
    03 alpha .................L
    03 filing_text ...........ILIAD
    03 filing_sequence .......00005
    02 z01_acc_sequence ........001369377
    02 z01_category ............ZZZ
    02 z01_normalized_text .....$$-iliad
    02 z01_display_text ........$$aIliad

    Looking at the 245 for the title "An Iliad", we see:
    24513 |a An Iliad / |c Alessandro Baricco ; translated from the Italian by Ann Goldstein.

    Since it has a non-filing indicator of "3", the "An " is skipped and it is filed under "Iliad".

    Same for "An t'Iliad" which has a filing indicator of "5":

    24515 |a An t'?liad / |c air ?oga? na Tr?i?e ...

    If you want to change this, so that "The Iliad", "An Iliad", and "Iliad" display as separate Browse headings (one after the other), then you need to move the "non_filing" line from the "N" section of the tab_filing routine to the "F" section. (You would do exactly the opposite of what is described in SKB 4035.) But I suggest that you check carefully with staff before making such a change. Note also that if you make this change you will have the problem described in SKB 4463.

    The question as to why there are five "Iliad" headings rather than just one has to do with the fact that each (as you can see above) has a different z01_category. The z01_category was added with v18.

    You will note that the z01_category
    for heading 1 is "45" (because the title is in the 245 field)
    for heading 2 is "46" (because the title is in the 246 field)
    for heading 3 is "40" (because the title is in the 740 field)

    If you feel that these distinctions are not useful, you may want to change the 245, 246, and 740 lines in your abc01 tab_acc_category (the table which controls these) from "1" to "0" prior to the next indexing.

    ** Note 1: If you do this, you should be sure that the 245, 246, and 740 lines in tab01.eng have blank in column 7. (Otherwise, the titles in these fields could be incorrectly flipped.) **

    Note 2: Entry #4 from above (z01_category 00) is coming from the 700 $$t which is being sent to the title TTL index. The 700 needs to have a "1" in tab_acc_category and you can't very well change it to "0". Some sites do not send this subfield to the TTL index at all, but instead send the entire 700 to a separate ATI (author/title) index.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013