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    HTML code in serial-claim-letter


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care


    Problem Symptoms:
    We get the HTML code along with the text in our serial-claim-letter 01.




    The problem is the funcs-misc files (e.g. in xxx01/form_eng/serial-claim-letter-01.xsl it's "funcs1.xsl"). For the creation of plain mails, a corresponding file plain-funcs1.xsl is needed, but this does not exist on your server.

    Aleph tries to create a plain-template on-the-fly (it's created, used and then deleted). Example: on basis of serial-claim-letter-01.xsl a file plain-serial-claim-letter-01.xsl will be created. During this creation, all included standard templates are also enhanced with suffix "plain" (hardcoded). Example: instead of "funcs1.xsl" the plain-template would be "plain-funcs1.xsl".

    1) Don't use own standard templates like funcs1.xsl but use the standard templates from Ex Libris and adjust them according to your needs.
    2) If you want to use own standard templates make sure that also a corresponding plain-template is available.



    • Article last edited: 26-Jun-2016