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    Headings beginning with diacritics don't file properly.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Headings beginning with diacritics don't file properly. (They file after "zzz...".)

    The misfiling of headings beginning with diacritics can be due to a non-filing indicator value of "1" for the field in the bib record. Before unicode, when the diacritic mark was a separate character ("decomposed"), such a non-filing value was required. Now, with unicode, where the diacritic mark and the character it modifies are represented by a single unicode character ("composed"), the non-filing indicator should have a value of "0".

    {The same thing can happen in cases of a second letter (such as "L'?tat...") where a non-filing indicator of "3" should now be "2"; "Los ?ltimos", where "5" should now be "4"; etc.}

    The LC document "Change in Practice for Counting Non-Filing Characters in MARC 21" at describes the change. ALEPH requires the "New practice" in order to file these fields correctly.

    US PRB 9647 talks about various tools for changing indicators. If you had a set of records which needed to have the second indicator changed from 3 to 2, you could use this. We are investigating how to locate records with diacritics which might require change.

    Note: If you are exporting records to a site which is using the "Old practice", that could be a problem. You might need to use the preceding, in reverse, to change them back.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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