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    Hold on WXYZ copies is expanded to ABCD copies

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have been having trouble with placing a hold on an specific item when there are multiple copies in different sublibraries in Aleph.

    I noticed it first because WXYZ Reserves had a hold request on both ABCD copies of a book (D04083608T and D04084338U) (which they won't do without checking with us first), they say they only put a request on the WXYZ copies.

    I then put a hold request on the ABCD copies for ABCD Reserves and it also went to all the copies, including the WXYZ copy. When I tried to delete the wxyz Reserve request from the ABCD copies it deleted the request on the WXYZ copy as well. And (not surprisingly) I had the same problem when I tried to remove the abcd Reserve request from the WXYZ copy - it deleted the request on the ABCD copies as well.

    I see that the items are for ADM 004065991. There is currently a hold on one item (WXYZ copy 00406599100003):

    SQL> select z37_rec_key, z37_id, z37_open_date, z37_pickup_location from z37 where z37_rec_key like '004065991%';
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    Z37_REC_KEY Z37_ID Z37_OPEN_DATE Z37_P
    ------------------- ------------ ------------- -----
    0040659910000300001 000000011987 20100518 WXYZ

    and three z37h records:

    SQL> select z37h_rec_key, z37h_id, z37h_open_date, z37h_time, z37h_pickup_location from z37h where z37h_rec_key like '004065991%' and z37h_open_date like '2010%';
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    ------------------- ------------ -------------- --------------- -----
    0040659910000100001 000000001451 20100518 201005180932527 ABCD
    0040659910000300001 000000011987 20100512 201005180932173 WXYZ
    0040659910000400001 000000011987 20100512 201005131639228 WXYZ

    000000001451 is ABCD Reserves; 000000011987 is WXYZ Reserves.

    It seems that the hold which WXYZ Reserves placed on May 18 was on the (WXYZ) copies 00406599100003 and 00406599100004.

    The hold on the ABCD copy was created this morning for patron 000000001451 (ABCD Reserves).

    So, looking at this, it seems that the WXYZ requests went on the WXYZ items and the ABCD request went on a ABCD item.

    That being said, I do note that these requests have

    z37h_expand ....................Y


    z37h_filter_sub_library ........#

    That means that the request will be (dynamically) expanded to other copies at the same or other sublibraries.

    If you want to limit the request to this specific item, then on the Hold Request screen, tab 2 (Item Filter Information), you need to check the "Only Selected Item" box.

    If you want to limit the request to copies at the WXYZ sublibrary, then on the Hold Request screen, tab 2 (Item Filter Information), you need to specify: Sublibrary ... WXYZ.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013