Hold requests using www_f_item_hold_request_b fail
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
After upgrading to v21, the hold requests that use the www_f_item_hold_request_b program are not working. In the OPAC ...
Case 1. it looks like the hold is made, but it is not; the hold requests that use the www_f_item_hold_request_b <input type=hidden name="func" value="item-hold-request-b"> are not working; those which use <input type=hidden name="func" value="item-hold-request"> and <input type=hidden name="func" value="item-hold-request-c"> are working OK.
Case 2. After 2 minutes, the response is "Patron has already requested this item" (or "Borrower has already requested this item") and the request form is shown again. When, in fact, the hold has been placed. This is happening with requests coming in from WCL (World Cat Local). When a request is placed directly in the catalog, it works properly.
Case 1. Implement the following workaround:
In item-hold-request-head, change
<input type="hidden" name="func" value="item-hold-request-b"> to
<input type="hidden" name="func" value="item-hold-request-c"> .
Case 2. (If #1 doesn't work ...) Change the request button in World Cat Local so that the users land on the item global page in Aleph, and can decide for themselves the valid item to request.
Additional Information
Additional information Sample WCL request button change: http://abc.edu/F?func=item-global&do...mber=000364203. The token was a rep_ver addition, so it's automatically in v21, but it's uncertain if it has anything to do with the problem. If you encounter this problem, please email jerry.specht@exlibrisgroup.com.
- Article last edited: 11/18/2013