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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Holdings do not always display even when there are some

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    For some journals, when we click on 'View Holdings' no holdings display in the table even though there are holdings that should display. When I viewed the source code the code had taken that path using item-global-body-no-item. When I viewed a journal that displayed the holdings correctly the source was using item-global-body. Why does the code think there are no items when there are?

    The problem appears to have been caused by having a call number in the LKR field of the ADM record. The example record that you sent had both a subfield h and a subfield i in the ADM record's LKR field. I removed those and the items now display in the OPAC. I hope it is not a problem that I went ahead and removed them, as I was really only experimenting to see if it would have any effect and was delighted to find that it did, so I left it that way.

    The subfield i is legal in the LKR field, but it should be a pointer to an ISSUE record. Since it was present, but was invalid, it was causing the program to ignore items attached to the ADM record.

    I looked only at the example record you sent, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are other such records in your ADM library. You may want to run some kind of query or ret-01 process to find them and remove these subfields.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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