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    Hourly loans due at 4:00 but library is still open

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    On Production for the ABC sub-library our hourly loan types (item status 8,9,10) when they are checked out close to the 4:00pm hour are coming due at that time. ABC however is open for 5 more hours. I've double checked open hours and exceptions for the ABC sub-library and I don't see why things are being set @ 4:00pm. None of the other sub-libraries are working that way.

    As described in KB 150, changes to Aleph due-dates take effect only with the first circ transaction on a new day or with the recreation of the z301 table.

    Also, I see that pc_server 6991 was not restarted between Aug. 26 and Sep 1 at 12:10. As described in KB 16384-32194, in addition to recreating the z301, certain tab16 changes require restart of the pc_server.

    Let's see how things look this afternoon....


    The following SQL shows that the due time is not being truncated to 4:00 pm (16:00), but is now being set to the full 2 (or 3) hours:

    abc50@ALEPH20> select z36h_item_status, z36h_loan_hour, z36h_due_hour from z36h where z36h_loan_date = '20110901' and z36h_loan_hour > '1400' and z36h_item_status in ('08', '09', '10') order by z36h_loan_hour asc;
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    -- -------------- -------------
    09 1401 1601
    09 1402 1602
    10 1406 1606
    10 1408 1608
    10 1408 1608
    10 1412 1612
    10 1412 1612
    10 1412 1612
    08 1417 1717
    09 1417 1617
    09 1425 1625
    09 1426 1626
    09 1427 1607
    09 1455 1655
    10 1536 1736
    10 1536 1736
    10 1604 1804
    09 1613 1813
    09 1616 1816
    09 1631 1831
    10 1810 2010

    Problem solved.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013