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    How can we search for the old request numbers in ILL2?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Please advise how we can search for the old request numbers that are now stored in Z410_STAFF_NOTE? For example, (OLD#000299612).

    To setup a search for the old requests numbers please do the following:

    1) in XXX40/tab/tab_expand add:
    WORD expand_doc_z410

    2) In XXX40/tab/tab11_word add 41003 to a new index code, WOR (words from old request):

    41003 03 WOR

    3) Then add WOR to XXX40/tab/tab00.eng

    4) Restart the indexing daemon in XXX40 (util e) and then reindex all records there (util f 1 19 ALL).

    5) This will take the daemons a little while. Check z07 in XXX40 - the indexing is finished when the count is 0.

    6) In XXX40/tab/pc_tab_sear.eng add:

    FI XXX40 L Old Request Number WOR

    7) Then add XXX40 in the bases for search in the GUI.

    Now after the records have been reindexed you can choose the binoculars search, choose the XXX40 from the drop-down list of bases and then choose ‘old request number’ from the drop-down list of indexes. Make sure you search for a 9-digit number, for example, 000299612, or *299612.

    Additional Information

    migrated old request number search ILL2 staff note Z410_STAFF_NOTE

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013