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    How can we tell if our x-server is running?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    How can we tell if our x-server is running? For example, for setting up IRD's (within Metalib) to search an Aleph 16 catalog.

    The x-services are under the www_server. When an http://.../X?... transaction is received by the www_server, it is routed to the ./alephm/source/www_x programs, using the ./www_x_eng screens. Restarting the www_server, will make changes to these screens or to x-server tables take effect.

    Here is a sample "query" you can run from your web browser to see that the x-server is returning data: run this URL in a web browser:

    [Substitute your server, port, bib library and account user for the x-server]

    If you get a response like the one below, then the X-server is running and is licensed (the x-server is really just the www_server with correct license applied):.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <login> <session-id>G5MCD4U6CL626DQQGBYL66MXBFSP32BNVKCURNHTN4TTQHBMS2</session-id> </login>.

    This is the result that should show up in your browser window. X-server is assigning you a session ID, just like any other web session.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013