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    How does OCLC overlay matching work?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    How does the oclc_server program match the input record against existing records for overlay purposes?

    The oclc_server program reads column 9 in the $alephe_tab/tab_oclc.

    The value in the $alephe_tab/tab_oclc column 9 is a match routine label, as specified in the $data_tab/tab_match. This tab_match routine is what it uses for matching. Reference: "How To Load OCLC Records into ALEPH".

    For authority records you could have this in the xxx10 tab_match:

    OCLC match_doc_uid I-LCC


    OCLC match_doc_uid I-010

    -- depending on the name of the Direct index you have built for the 010 field.

    Additional Information

    OCLC, overlay, matching, match, input

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013