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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    How does the Aleph service p-acq-06 handle re-encumbering the following?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18

    We currently performed our fiscal year end rollover in Aleph, and we have two questions:

    How does Aleph re-encumber orders where the invoice status is partial (see order #241293 for fund NGERMAN).

    Also, how does Aleph re-encumber orders where the encumbrance is split among multiple funds?

    If the order is z68_type 'M' (Monograph) (as this one is), nothing special happens. The rollover simply takes the outstanding z601 encumbrance for the current fiscal year and creates a z601 encumbrance for the next fiscal year, with exactly the same amounts.

    In the case of an encumbrance which is split between two funds, there are *two* z601 encumbrance records (one for each budget). Each will have a new z601 encumbrance record created for it (with the budget code for that fund in it)..

    If the is z68_type is 'S' (Serial) or 'O' (Standing order), then the z601_original_amount is used to create the new encumbrance, as described in KB 16384-5889.

    Category: Acquisitions

    • Article last edited: 7/16/2015