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    How much extra space is required for an Aleph upgrade?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21, 22, 23


    How much *extra* space is required by the Aleph Installation Kit (AIK) and Upgrade Express -- beyond the space required for the files from the previous version?


    [Note:  Though the following describes a v20 - v21 upgrade, the space required for the v22 and v23 upgrades is basically the same.]

    This question needs to be answered by the Ex Libris Sizing Manager, but, roughly, the space for the /exlibris directory on the new server will need to be equal to the space occupied by /exlibris on the old server, plus the amounts shown below.

    Note1: One should consider the space actually used in /exlibris on the old server.  This is seen in "df -h /exlibris".

    Note2: If the /oradata directory is separate --not under /exlibris--, then that (roughly the same size) needs to be allowed for separately.
    * The AIK files occupy roughly 10G (in the /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris directory)
    * The Upgrade Express files occupy (in the /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101 directory) 10-15% of the space required for oradata _ u-tree in the previous version.

    *But* the /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/data/a20_1 directory is temporary and can be deleted once the upgrade has been completed.

    Thus, the extra space required for the upgrade is 10 G + 5G + 10-15% of the space required for oradata + u-tree, of which 10% can be immediately recovered upon completion of the upgrade. (This space can then be allocated to the xxx01 $data_scratch where it will be needed for any xxx01 index-building jobs.)

    Additional Information

    Example 1:

    * ABC university has 5.8 million bib records and their v20 oradata occupies 500G (and the u-tree 15G). . The v21 is similar. (There is no significant increase in the Oracle space requirements.)

    * The AIK occupies 8 Gig (in the /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris directory)

    * The /exlibris/app/oracle occupies 4.5G

    * The /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101 is 90 Gig:
    1. /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/data/ a20_2.tar.gz file = 31 G
    2. /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/data/ a20_2 directory = 48G
    3. Other /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/ directories = 11G

    Example 2:

    * DEF university has 1.7 million bib records, with 8 ADMs, and their v20 oradata occupies 550G (and the u-tree 15G). The v21 is the same. (There is no significant increase in the Oracle or u-tree space requirements.)

    * The AIK occupies 8 Gig (in the /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris directory)

    * The /exlibris/app/oracle occupies 4.5G

    * The /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101 is 51 Gig:
    1. /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/data/ a20_1.tar.gz file = 14G
    2. /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/data/ a20_1 directory = 26G
    3. Other /exlibris/aleph/upgrade_express_2001_2101/ directories = 11G

    Note: the *actual* space used in oradata should be considered: there could be directories other than the aleph20 in oradata and there may be excessive unused space (free space) within the aleph20 database. Also, if a Test server, archiving may be turned off and the /arch directory, empty.

    Category: Installation & Upgrades (500)

    Subject: Upgrade Express (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013