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    How to Determine ARL Bib Record Count for xxx01 Library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We are compiling ARL statistics, and I have been running various queries against our Aleph 20 Oracle Database to that end. There are some confusing discrepancies in counts of records in various tables.

    For example:
    ABC01.Z00 Contains 2,863,921 Records
    ABC01.Z13 Contains 2,557,710 Records that do not have a null value in Z13_TITLE
    ABC01.Z00R Contains 1,515,182 Records with a 245 Field
    ABC01.Z00R Contains 1,605,249 Records with LDR Fields (which is weird, because all MARC records require a 245 and a LDR)
    ABC50.Z00P Contains 2,740,161 Records

    Why is there so much variation between these various numbers? For example, isn't Z00 the baseline document record? Why the more than 300,000 record discrepancy between that count and the Z13 count?

    Also, why does Z00R appear to have more than one million fewer titles in it than in either Z00 or Z13?

    Why is the Z00P count so different as well? Are they not getting correctly added or deleted?

    The bottom line is I would like to know what is the canonical bib record count (more or less)?
    There's concern especially about the discrepancy between the number of titles (245 fields) in Z00R and the number of records in Z00 and Z13.

    As described in KB 4088, the deletion of a bib record leaves a stub z00 (with a "DEL Y" field); the "Z13_TITLE is not null" gives you a more accurate count (of only non-deleted bibs).

    The z00r has a separate record for each *field* in the record; you should certainly not use the Z00R as the basis for this count.

    The z00p table contains a version of the record for each publishing set (specified in the $data_tab tab_publish file) and, therefore, gives a higher number. You can do the following to see how many z00p's there are for each publishing set:

    SQL> select z00p_set, count(*) from z00p group by z00p_set;

    The regular bib publishing set should match the "Z13_TITLE is not null" count.

    • Article last edited:  01/14/2016