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    How to Include ILL Request Staff and Patron Notes in Printout.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    When the library staff click on the PRINT button, they would like the staff and patron notes fields included in the printed information. This information is in the doc in tags 925 and 926. How do we define these fields in www-ill-out-print.xsl?

    There are two ways to achieve this:
    1) Add lines for 925 and 926 to the relevant ILL01/tab/edit_paragraph.eng section for www-ill-out-print.. It is probably section 111, but to confirm you need to look at the bib_format table.
    ! BIB for ill request letter
    111 020## D ##
    111 022## D ##
    111 1#### D ##
    111 245## D ##
    111 250## D ##
    111 260## D ##
    111 300## D ##
    111 440## D ##
    111 59### D ##
    111 7001# D ##
    111 70012 D ##
    111 740## D ##
    111 ISS## D ##
    111 900## D ##
    111 930## D ##Ship to

    You will also have to add lines for 925 and 926 to edit_field.eng with type D.

    2) Add the two fields to the printout by adding them as user-defined fields in tab22:
    USER-DEF-1 2 008
    USER-DEF-2 2 109
    USER-DEF-3 2 009
    USER-DEF-4 1 ISS##
    USER-DEF-5 1 592##
    You may have to sacrifice some fields already assigned.
    Then add lines to www-ill-out-print.xsl like
    <xsl:call-template name="display-gen">
    <xsl:with-param name="label" select="'Patron Note'"/>
    <xsl:with-param name="value" select="./z13-user-def-2"/>
    Then you should test by creating a new ILL request and seeing if the result is correct in the printout.
    If it is, then you should run p_manage_07 to recreate the z13 records.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013