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    How to Make separate letters to the vendor by order types

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We have a situation where one sub library of the same ADM library makes "orders" which are actually requests for obligatory copies as per law (every publisher must send the national library a copy of every item published). The other sub libraries in the ADM library make regular orders. How can we have different letters for the "requests" than for the "orders"?

    Each vendor (not sub library) can be given a specific type of letter which will be used when sending orders to that vendor. On tab 2 of the vendor form there are two parameters: "Letter format" and "List format". You may make a new format (or change an existing one) and make it be the request for the obligatory copy. Then when an order is made with this vendor and the letter is sent to the vendor the specific letter designated in the vendor form will be used.
    For example, the standard letter for monograph orders is "acq-m-order-slip.xsl". Let's make a letter called "Obligatory copies letter" and make it number 4. The following has been done in your usm libraries:
    First, so that it will appear in the pull down box of tab 2 of the vendor form "Letter Format" we will add it to ADM $data_tab/pc_tab_exp_field.eng
    dlib usm50
    cd $data_tab
    diff pc_tab_exp_field.eng pc_tab_exp_field.eng.20050403
    < ACQ_LETTER_TYPE L Obligatory copies letter 04

    Then, in BIB $data_root/form_eng we will make the new letter:
    dlib usm01
    cd $data_root/form_eng
    cp cp acq-m-order-slip.xsl acq-m-order-slip-04.xsl
    vi acq-m-order-slip-04.xsl
    aleph500-16(1) USM01-ALEPH>>diff acq-m-order-slip.xsl acq-m-order-slip-04.xsl

    < <xsl:with-param name="line" select="'salutation_string##We would like to place an order for the following items:'"/>
    > <xsl:with-param name="line" select="'salutation_string##We would like to request that you send is the following item, as per law :'"/>

    util I/6

    Now, edit an existing vendor or create a new vendor and give it order letter type "04". The new above letter will be used when sending order to vendor.

    The above merely makes this the default letter for the order. The letter can be one which is not the default. When making an order the letter type can be changed "on the fly" and be different than the default. This is done in tab 3 "vendor" of the order form, in field "letter type".

    Additional Information

    letter to vendor

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013