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    How to configure status for new items from acquisitions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Every time I make a new order for a monograph and the item arrives it has item status 01.
    Where is this defined? I want items which come from acquisition arrival to get item status 10.

    Also, how come item starts with process status OI Order Initiated. Then after I send order the item gets OR On Order, then changes to CT Cataloging after it arrives? (We like this setup, but want to know from where it comes)

    this comes frm the ADM $data_tab/tab36 defines "Defaults for automatic opening of Monograph-type items in Acquisitions"

    In your case, it was defined that all sub libraries will get items with item status 01 and collection GEN.
    It has now been changed as follows and now there is not collection GEN, and it gets item status 10:

    The process status changes are controlled by ADM $data_tab/tab42, which defines "Automatic change of Item Process Status, according to processing action".
    For specific details, see table header. Here is the setup controlling what you describe above where order status changes from OI to OR to CT.
    The !* notes/explanations are mine

    : tab42
    when order is new item has process status OI
    ACQ ##### NEW OI ##
    ACQ ##### WP OI ##
    ACQ ##### PS OI ##
    ACQ ##### WB OI ##
    ACQ ##### QSV OI ##
    ACQ ##### CNB CA ##
    ACQ ##### DNB CA ##
    ACQ ##### RSV OR ##
    !* when order is SV (sent to vendor) item has process status OR
    ACQ ##### SV OR ##
    !* when material arrival is registered item has process status CT when previous status was OR
    ACQ ##### SV+ CT OR
    ACQ ##### VC CA ##
    ACQ ##### LC CA ##
    !* when order is closed item has process status CT when previous status was OR
    ACQ ##### CLS CT OR

    Additional Information

    item status and process status for new items from acquisitions

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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