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    How to convert from MARC21 to UNIMARC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    *Convert records from MARC21 in UNIMARC

    1. Edit ./xxx01/tba/tab04. It converts a set of cataloging tags to another. Different conversion routines can be defined and linked to the corresponding fix program in the tab_fix table
    2. In col 1 define the code of the set routine (e.g. 01)
    3. Columns from 2 to 6 define the document field and subfield codes from the library from which record is document field and subfield codes of local library to which record is copied.
    For example, in UNIMARC title statement is 200 and in MARC21 it is 245. In UNIMARC topical subject is 606 and in MARC21 it is 650:
    ! 2 3 4 5 6 7
    01 245## ancnp 2001 adfhi
    01 650## 606##

    4. Edit ./xxx01/tab/tab_fix
    5. Define a new routine name in col.1 for the fix procedure fix_doc_tab04_nn (where nn is the entry in tab04):
    ! 1 2 3
    04-01 fix_doc_tab04_01

    6. Restart PC Server
    7. Edit ./xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/fix_doc.lng. Add a new line with in col.1 the routine name defined in ./xxx01/tab/tab_fix, and add a description in col.4
    ! 1 2 3 4
    04-01 N L Convert MARC21 Records to UNIMARC Records

    This option will be available from the Edit actions -> Fix record menu.
    8. Run util m/7 to update tables package

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    Subject: Create / Edit records (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013