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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    How to determine if there's space for new table / extending tablespace

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We want to add the z00r [or other new table]. We're not sure if there's space. How can we tell if the tablespace will need to be extended?

    In general, steps 4-7 should be performed by the site's DBA. (In the case of Aleph hosted sites, steps 4-7 should be performed by the Hosting team.)

    1. Do util a/17/11/10/2 ("View merged file_list") to determine what tablespace will be used by this table. You can view the output in the $data_scratch directory.

    2. Consult KB records or speak with Aleph Support staff about the space required by the table. For instance, KB 8192-9560 describes the space required by the z00r.

    3. Do util o/14/1 to determine if there's enough space in the tablespace for this table. The "TOTAL_FREE_SPACE" should be at least 1.3 times greater than the space value arrived at in step 2. If not, then ...

    4. Do util o/13/1 to see what filesystem the tablespace resides on. (The filesystem is the first value in the file path -- usually "/exlibris".)

    5. Do "df -k /xxxxxx" <where "xxxxxx" is the filesystem> to see if there is space on the disk for another datafile. {The datafiles being added will typically be 2 gig or 4 gig. They should be big enough that the resulting TOTAL_FREE_SPACE (step 3) will be at least 1.3 times the space required for the table (step 2).}

    For instance, you would do: df -k /exlibris .

    6. If step 5 shows that there's space available for the necessary datafiles, then do util o/13/3 ("Add File to Tablespace") -- described in detail in the the attachment to KB 5854.

    7. If step 5 shows that there *isn't* space available for the necessary datafiles, then this definitely needs to be addressed by the DBA.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013