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    How to exclude records without 245-tag from publishing

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    In our ABC30 library for some historical reasons we have deleted records that do not have any information in 245-tag but also do not have DEL-field. These records are problematic in Primo pipe. How can we remove these records from Aleph publishing?

    ABC30-records without 245-tag can be excluded from Publishing via the following mechanism.

    Setup in ./abc30/tab:

    WORD expand_doc_type tab_type_primo
    RET expand_doc_type tab_type_primo

    New table tab_type_primo:

    -> This means that during Word indexing a virtual field STA $$aNOTITLE is created if a bib record has no 245.

    tab11_word (Example - other word breaking procedure may be used):
    STA## a 03 WST

    tab00.<lng> (Example):
    H WST W-043 01 00 01 Status

    -> This means that virtual field STA is indexed in WST-index.

    Setup in ./alephe/tab:

    PRIMO_COURSE Primo test ABC30 ABC30 N alldocuments not (wst=notitle)

    -> So records without 245-field are excluded by base PRIMO_COURSE (this should be the logical base used in tab_publish).

    Then (via UNIX prompt) first call up p_ret_01 and then p_manage_40:

    >>csh -f p_ret_01 ABC30,,ret01,000000000,999999999,,00,00000000,99999999,00000000,99999999,,NOT,NOT,STA,a,notitle,notitle,,,,DEL,a,y,y,,,,,,,,,,,00000000,99999999,,
    >>csh -f p_manage_40 ABC30,ret01,,,00000000,

    The purpose of this is via Z07-records and ue_01 to create WST-indexentries for all records in ABC30 without 245-field.

    Afterwards initial publishing (p_publish_04) can be repeated.

    If you have already published this set before doing the above changes in configuration, please use p_publish_06 to delete the set before doing initial publishing (p_publish_04).

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013