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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    How to manually print overdues when print daemon isn't working

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Print overdues manually (when the print daemon isn't working).

    There should be an ./xxx50/print/save-yyyy-mm-dd directory, which contains the overdues processed by the print daemon last night <where yyyy-mm-dd is the date on which the print daemon processed them>.

    1. on the PC where the print daemon is running, do: Task Manager --> Print Daemon, and, on the far right, click "Deactivate".

    2. on the server, go to /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/xxx50/print/ and do:

    > cp -p save-yyyy-mm-dd/* .

    This will copy all the notices back to the main print directory.

    3. go to the Task Manager --> File List; the notice files should be in the "Remote Name" section

    4. highlight each and use the up-arrow in the middle of the screen to move it to the "Local Name" section

    5. highlight each file in the Local Name section to be printed, and click on "Print".

    6. do this for each other set of overdues to be printed (remembering that in some cases the item may have already been returned)

    7. before restarting the Print Daemon to test any solution, be sure to delete the files copied to the ./xxx50/print -- or they the Print Daemon will try to reprint them.

    Additional Information

    Article 000017716 (Print daemon won't send emails; log shows: "Unable to connect to server") may be relevant.

    • Article last edited: 8/21/2014