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    How to sort sub-fields within a field for a specific holdings record

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 19.01

    How to sort the sub-fields within a field for a specific holdings record

    Here's how you would sort the sub-fields within a field for a specific holdings record:

    1) Connect cataloging to your HOLdings library, e.g. USM60
    2) Under Services > Retrieve Cataloging Records > Retrieve Catalog Records (re1-01)
    3) Enter the output file (will later be used as an input file) e.g. 000050830-hol
    4) Enter the starting holdings document number, e.g. 000050830
    5) Enter the ending holdings document number, e.g. 000050830 (this example only updates one record)
    6) Submit the job and wait for it to complete
    7) Under Services > Catalog Maintenance Procedures > Global Changes (manage-21)
    8) Enter the input file name (the output file name form step 3) e.g. 000050830-hol
    9) Enter the output file name, e.g. 000050830-hol-out
    10) For the first run leave update database at No, when you are ready to update the database select Yes
    11) Enter Line in Record >Tag as 852
    12) Scroll down in the dialog box and select Yes for Sort Subfields
    13) Enter the sort order you would like, e.g. bchik
    14) Submit the job and wait for it to complete

    If you selected No for update database then you can review the changes that would happen in the output file (e.g. 000050830-hol-out) and if you selected Yes for update database then you can review the changes in the GUI client.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013