How to tell how long a particular job took
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
How can I tell how long a particular job took to run?
You can see how long a particular job took in one of three ways.
1. On the server, in $alephe_scratch:
a. > cd $alephe_scratch
b. Do "ls -lrt" to get the end-time. For example:
apps-l-a18(1) >>ls -lrt cun50_p_file_20.89710
-rw-r--r-- 1 aleph aleph 46602 Jul 31 17:06 cun50_p_file_20.8971
We see that the job ended at 17:06.
c. "vi" the job log to get the beginning time. In the cun50_p_file_20.8971, we see the following line very near the top:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Jul 31 06:00:13 2010
d. Subtract the start time from the end time. (In this case: 07:02 - 06:00 = 1:02.)
2. On the server in the $data_files/batch_log file: see KB 16384-30993.
3. In version 19-up, using the GUI client, you can click on the pencil box ("Admin"), then Task Manager / Batch Log. The display of the different jobs which have run include "Start time" and "End time".
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013