IE9 - Barcodes not displaying in print preview
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Description: Barcodes not displaying in print preview nor in subsequent print on machines with IE 9 installed. Barcodes do print with Normal Printing.
Actual Results: Barcodes not displaying in print preview nor in subsequent print on machines with IE 9 installed. Barcodes do print with Normal Printing.
Expected Results: Barcodes display in print preview and in subsequent print on machines with IE 9 installed.
Resolved by rep_change 003681 (2 Feb 2012)
The problem was in the "old" Carolina Barcode fonts (version 4) that doesn't work with IE9. Attached to this step in the SI is the new set of Carolina Barcode fonts that works with IE9 (version 6) - 128 new fonts. You need to install the new fonts by running the attached Fonts.exe. It will install the new fonts in addition to the "old" fonts.
Please note that in some instances, the attached may install the necessary fonts in the C:\Windows\System directory and rather than in the C:\Windows\Fonts directory. It is possible that the installed fonts may need to be moved to the C:\Windows\Fonts directory before the desired effect can be achieved.
Once the new fonts have been successfully installed, the "old" names of the fonts in the XSLs must be replaced with the names of the "new correct" fonts.
For example:
In the funcs-style.xsl:
<td STYLE="font-family=CarolinaBar-B39-2.5-22x158x720;">*<xsl:value-of select="$value"/>*</td>
In this case please replace:
Additional Information
IE9; Carolina Bar Font; Carolina Barcode Font;