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    ILL Patron Removal Service (ill-70) p_ill_70

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We want to put the patron removal (p_ill_70) job into the job_list. We ran it once from a client to get the parameters to put into the job list. Those parameters show a "p_ill_unit" value which is not present on the form that is filled in. Based on the v17 job, I entered "All" as the value (since this runs at the ILL Library level it seems) but the job this morning translated that "ALL" as a non-value so the job errored.
    I have not been able to find any documentation on this job (searched the doc portal and CRM).
    Also, we run the Circ related patron scrubber (cir-32) every day.. what does this job do that the other one doesn't? (or do we really need to run both?)

    The ill_70 service erases Patron details (In Z410, only Z410_ID is changed. In Z416, Z416_REQUESTER_ID, Z416_REQUEST_PATRON_ADDRESS, and Z416_REQUEST_PATRON_EMAIL are changed) from ILL Borrowing (Z410) and Lending (Z416) Request records to ensure Patron confidentiality. The Patron information is replaced with "SCBYYYYMMDD" where the last 8 characters are the service execution date, for example:
    PID Z410_UPD Z410_ILL_UNIT
    ------------ -------- --------------------
    SCR20071020 20071020 ILL_LAW

    Because the Integrated ILL module is not used by all libraries, the Circulation Patron Removal Service (cir-32) does not include the ILL requests in Z416 and Z410.

    The service handles Borrowing and Lending Requests with Status (Z410_STATUS, Z416_STATUS) of Cancelled/CA, Closed/CLS, Expired/EXP, or Deleted/DEL.

    The service produces a report (patron-removal-ids) which lists all Requests where Patron details were erased. Please note that the report displays all Requests where Patron details COULD be erased according to the parameters of the report. At the top of the report, the following lines are displayed:
    Update lending requests: Yes
    Update borrowing requests: No
    These indicate whether or not the update was performed.

    You can check the results of this job using the SQL queries listed at the bottom of this entry.

    Command Line:
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ill_70 active_library,report_file_name,number_of_days,lending/in_status_filter,borrowing/out_status_filter,update_lending/incoming,update_borrowing/outgoing,ill_unit,form_no,staff_username
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ill_70 USM40,jill70,999,CLS^DEL^CBR^EXP,CLS^DEL^CA^EXP,N,N,ILL_LAW,00,LAWSTAFF > /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/alephe/scratch/usm40_p_ill_70.20071129law
    Please note that, even if, in this example, staff user "LAWSTAFF" is denied permission to run ill-69 and cannot run it from the GUI interface, that staff username can be successfully used as a parameter when running it from the command line or job list. However, "LAWSTAFF" must be a valid staff username and if the staff-username and ILL Unit do not match, then LAWSTAFF's ILL Unit will be used instead of the ILL Unit specified. Also, LAWSTAFF MUST be written in upper case. In order to run the service for ALL ILL Units at once, the staff username parameter should be left empty and the ILL Unit parameter should be "ALL".

    02 14:23:00 Y USM40 p_ill_70 USM40,jill70,999,CLS^DEL^CBR^EXP,CLS^DEL^CA^EXP,N,N,ILL_LAW,00,LAWSTAFF

    SQL Queries:

    select z416_requester_id "PID", Z416_ILL_UNIT, z416_update_date, Z416_REQUEST_PATRON_EMAIL "Email"
    from z416
    where Z416_STATUS in ('CLS', 'DEL', 'CA', 'EXP')
    order by z416_update_date;

    select Z410_ID "PID", Z410_REC_KEY, z410_UPDATE_DATE, Z410_ILL_UNIT
    from z410
    where Z410_STATUS in ('CLS', 'DEL', 'CA', 'EXP')
    order by z410_UPDATE_DATE;


    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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