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    ILL Requests for Locally Owned Items Should Not be Created

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    Problem Symptoms: 

    Altough tab100 parameter PATRON-LOCAL-OWN is set to '0', requests for locally owned items are created.
    !# Values:0 1 Default: 0
    !# Type: Text; Max Length: 01
    !# tab100 of library: Yes; tab100_<server_type>: No.
    ! This variable controls how the system will response when patron submits
    ! ILL request via WEB OPAC and the request is detected as a 'locally owned'.
    ! 0 = Locally owned requests are blocked.
    ! 1 = Locally owned requesst are continued to be processed and they get
    ! the status 'Locally Owned' (LOW).

    Configuration of partner library lacks check for locally owned items



    Activate check for the ILL Unit associated to the borrower for option '1 Check for items existence' or '3 Block ILL if patron blocked/items avail. locally'
    1. Go to Administration / Partner in ILL module
    2. In Tab '3. Borrowing ILL Unit' activate relevant change in option 'Check Local Own Procedure'

    Additional Information

    The following options are defined in ./xxx40/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.lng
    CHECK-LOCAL-OWN L No check 0
    CHECK-LOCAL-OWN L Check for items existence 1
    CHECK-LOCAL-OWN L Allow ILL if patron is locally blocked 2
    CHECK-LOCAL-OWN L Block ILL if patron blocked/items avail. locally 3

    There are 3 possible options defined on each partner for the check of the local ownership:

    "1" - if there are items matching the request - the request is considered as locally owned.
    "2" - if there are items that are loanable for the specific patron - the request is considered as locally owned (there is a check_circ
    check defined in tab_check_circ for section ILL-L or ILL-C).
    "3" - if there are items that are loanable AND available for the specific patron - the request is considered as locally owned.

    For all those 3 options, if TAB100-PATRON-LOCAL-OWN = "0" then there is a local ownership error message and the request is not registered and if
    TAB100-PATRON-LOCAL-OWN = "1" then the request is registered and the request status is "LOW" (Locally owned).

    There is also a patron delinquency check that HAS NOTHING TO DO with local ownership. This check is defined in section PAT-DELINQ of tab_check_circ.
    If the patron has any delinquency he is blocked and can't register the request.

    So there are 3 aspects that are checked:
    a) items exist for this title
    b) patron has permission to loan them (meaning that he successfully passes all the checks defined in tab_check_circ, section ILL-L/ILL-C)
    c) items are on loan (= not available)

    The 3 options are different combinations of these checks:
    "1" - checks only aspect a)
    "2" - checks aspects a) and b) - it doesn't matter whether the item is available or on loan, the request is considered as locally owned in both cases.
    "3" - checks aspects a) and b) and c)
    - if the item is available at this moment, the request is considered as locally owned. If THERE ARE loanable items but none of them is available, the request is NOT considered as locally owned.


    • Article last edited: 11-July-2016