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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    In transit - minute-long hang for first item each day

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Twice a day, at the returns desk, staff discharge a pile of books returned (In Transit) from another library. The first item out of the box, morning and afternoon, takes a minute to complete. We are able to duplicate this on our test server, so I am attaching the pc_server log for you.

    Question - why is it loading all the USM tab 100s?
    Why is is loading Load: /exlibris1/utf18/utf_files/exlibris/aleph/a18_1/usm50/tab/tab_delivery_locations.eng

    This may be why it is so slow? Is there a way to adjust the tables and stop the USM referencing?

    The loading of all 50 of these tables takes just a couple seconds. That is not the problem.

    I added diagnostics to the pc_cir_c0442 program, but (checking the "ELAPSED-TIME: C0442" lines in the logs) we did not see long times on the returns.

    This is on hold until more cases occur.

    (Note: KB 16384-11313 describes a problem, in v19, with delays on return of items by patrons who have many loans,)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013