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    Including patron sublibrary on the cir-04 loan report

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    How can the patron sublibrary (the sublibrary listed under "Local patron information" in GUI Circ) be included in the cir-04 Loan Report? Will adding the z36_sub_library to ./form_eng/loan-report.xsl work?


    The z36_sub_library is not the patron sublibrary; it's the item sublibrary.

    If the z303_home_library (not a required field) is populated, that could be used. Or, if the patron has an actual sublibrary in bytes 13-17 of the z305_rec_key, that could be used. (Bytes 13-17 often have the xxx50 ADM library. In that case, the patron is not really associated with a particular sublibrary.)

    If the sublibrary at which the loan occurred is desired ... Z36-LOAN-CATALOGER-IP is connected to one *or more* sublibraries via $alephe_tab/server_ip_allowed. Translating this Z36-LOAN-CATALOGER-IP into a particular sublibrary could be difficult.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    • Article last edited: 9/4/2014